Showing 1–9 of 75 results

  • apple


    Apple fruit contains good quantities of vitamin-C and beta-carotene.

  • atta


    Atta is an Indian wheat flour used to make most South Asian flatbreads, such as chapati, roti, naan and puri.

  • banana


    Bananas are great super food which provides us with energy, make us feel full and provide our body with essential nutrients and high amount of fiber Banana is one of the high-calorie trop...

  • baseli

    Basil leaves

    Basil is possibly native to India, and has been cultivated there for more than 5,000 years.

  • beans


    Beans are a simply delicious, naturally nutritious food.

  • beetroot


    Deep, earthy flavour and a whole lot of crunch, but what I love most about beetroot is the incredible colour that can transform anything shocking pink.

  • bitter gourd


    Bitter gourd is very low in calories, carrying just 17 calories per 100 g.

  • broccoli


    Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable

  • butter


    Butter is a popular dairy product made from cow’s milk.

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